Pakistan Affairs Syllabus CSS 2024 and Pre & Post Partition Era.


Pakistan Affairs includes

Pakistan Affairs can be divided into two main parts:

·       Pre-partition era (Before 1947) &

·       Post partition era (After 1947).

Pakistan Affairs can be divided into two main parts:  ·       Pre-partition era (Before 1947) &  ·       Post partition era (After 1947).

What is Pre-Partition Era Portion, What it includes?

It has following main parts.

·       Ideology of Pakistan:

·       Muslim Rule in the Sub-continent.

·       Muslim Reform Movements.

·       Educational Reforms.

·       Pakistan Movement:

What is Post-Partition Era Portion?

·       Geography and Society of Pakistan:

·       Major Industries of Pakistan

·       Education Sector in Pakistan:

·       Nuclear Program of Pakistan, its Safety and Security, International concerns:

·       Pakistan and Changing Regional Apparatus

·       Regional Cooperation Organizations:

·       Civil Military Relations in Pakistan:

·       Economic Challenges in Pakistan:

·       Main Challenges to Economy of Pakistan: 

·       The Palestine & Kashmir Issue:

·       Changing Security Dynamics for Pakistan; Challenges to National Security of Pakistan:

·       Political Evolution Since 1971:

·       Pakistan and US War on Terror and Post 9/11 Foreign Policy of Pakistan: 

·       Evolution of Democratic System in Pakistan: 

·       Pakistan’s National Interest and Challenges to the Sovereignty:

·       Ethnic Issues and National Integration

·       Proxy Wars – Role of External Elements
























































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